Eat this after meals to decrease chances for cavities
The sequence that foods are eaten can determine the risk for cavities. If you eat sugary foods after meals, you decrease the chance for cavities, as opposed to eating sugary foods alone.
How does this work?
Plaque bacteria feed on sugary sweets and produce acid that eats away at our teeth and so producing cavities. Everytime we eat sugar(in any form, like a meal) the PH level drops in our mouth as these bacteria form acid. The more frequently we eat these sugary meals or sweets the more times during a 24 hour period this happens and the easier we develop cavities. By eating sweets just beforeor after a meal reduces this frequency.
Kids usually get more cavities than adults as theysnack more frequently duringthe day and therfore more times for acid attack on their teeth.
To find out what your chances are of getting a dental cavity click here.