How Does Dental Implants Work?

For many years physicians have used various types of implants to replace missing body parts such as hip and shoulder joints. Today, missing teeth can be replaced in much the same way.
- The Ideal Solution To Replace A Missing Tooth
Dental Implants caused a revolutionary change in dentistry. Dental Implants are man-made replacements for tooth roots that have been lost. They behave exactly like real roots - even bonding naturally with the jaw bone. (Osseo- integration) The new ceramic white tooth (crown) is then bonded on top of the Dental Implant. Today, millions of people enjoy the benefits of having implants. This simple surgery will restore your confidence and transform your life!
- Implant Systems:
There are many Dental Implants on the market, but the basics are the same:
3 step system: Implant - Abutment - Crown
The abutment is fitted to the implant by means of a screw or friction grip.
The crown however can either be screw retained or cement retained.

- The Procedure:
The Implant consultation
The dentist does an examination and x-rays are taken to evaluate the bone quality for this procedure. This is the screening test. Enough good quality bone is needed for a successful implant placement. To qualify for a free assesment, simply request our free report on 'the Miracles of Dental Implants'.
A good analogy is when you choose the screw size for a piece of wood(bone) and to determine if the wood is good enough for the actual screw(implant). Special CT scans also offer essential information to plan the case in detail and to identify nerves and vascular structures.
Bone augmentation procedures are also important where we can bulk up bone and gum tissue to ensure enough volume is available for aestetics and successful placement.
Installing The Dental Implant:
The fitting of the Dental Implant requires drilling a pilot hole and several bigger diameter holes to achieve the required depth and thickness for the chosen Dental Implant. After the fitting a temporary tooth lets you eat and behave as normal. The Dental Implant needs a 2-3 months period to integrate with the jaw.
Fitting The Crown:
The final step after integration is the placing of an abutment and a crown to finish off the end result.
The Result:
This new tooth should fit, function and look just like a natural tooth. Because the osteotomy gets filled immediately with a tight fit and sterile implant, very little work is left for the body to close up the wound. This normally results in very little post-op pain and it is well accepted by most patients. It normally takes a few weeks to complete, but offers a lifetime solution. The results are phenomenal!
- Care For Dental Implants:
After the Crown is fitted, normal dental care is essential for long lasting results. Daily flossing and brushing is important to prevent infection from the gum tissue. Brush gently on the gum-crown interface to keep plague away and to avoid receding gum lines.
A daily mouthrinse like Listerine/Plax will aid in cleansing the gum tissue. Avoid biting on hard objects or sticky food that could loosen the crown. Regular 6 monthly dental check-ups are necessary to diagnose early problems.
Dental Implants are changing lives daily!
Are you ready for that new change?
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