General Dentistry

Dental Exam & Cavity Check

Most people need to see the dentist every 6 months to ensure optimum dental health. 6 Months is enough time for most of us to develop tooth decay (caries) and treatment start with diagnosing these lesions. What Happens At The Dental Exam? Greetings and Medical/Dental HistoryAfter...
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I Have Bad Breath (Halitosis)

Bad breath can really change your life dramatically. This is for sure a romance stopper and many times the person is unaware of having this. It is sometimes also a simptom of underlying disease and should be diagnosed early and treated. If you suspect bad breath, don't hesitate any longer...
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Dental Sugar

R100 / 500g Dental Sugar™ contains 100% xylitol and is aimed at helping you to prevent tooth decay. Our product also carries a GMO free  label, meaning as natural as you can get. Expect to pay much more in supermarkets. Tooth Decay & XylitolTooth...
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Composite Fillings

Say goodbye to your old ugly metal (amalgam) fillings!The days of metal (amalgam) fillings are long gone. Although they still exist, we have so many more cosmetically pleasing options of which composite fillings are one. The 2 most popular white materials are...
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Dental Crowns

Dental Crowns are dental restorations otherwise known as "caps" that fit over the visible tooth structure. A dental crown is different to a filling, because of one basic thing:  a filling is placed inside a tooth and have walls of tooth...
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Dental Bridges

What Is A Dental Bridge?A dental bridge is two or more dental crowns that are joined together to form one unit.  They therefore "bridge" over a gap or space, left by another tooth that was removed.  Dental...
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Dental Extractions

When Do I Need a Dental Extraction?Dental Extractions refer to the removal of teeth or roots. In dentistry today, many extractions are still performed to remove unwanted teeth or roots.  Although we always try to keep our own teeth for as long as possible, sometimes it is...
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Dental Sealants

What Are Dental (Fissure) Sealants?About 90% of tooth decay starts in the fissures (grooves on the tooth surface). The problem with these fissures or grooves is that they are often very narrow and deep and brushing them is not nearly effective in removing all the...
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Root Canal Treatment

What Is Root Canal Therapy (RCT)?Primarily it is a means of saving a tooth by the removal of the pulp that is found inside every tooth.  Pulp is the term for all the tissues inside the canal, i.e. nerves, arteries and veins.  After the pulp has been removed the tooth...
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Post & Core

What Are Dental Posts And Cores?A Dental Post and Core are usually used to give maximum  strength to an already weakened tooth after Root Canal Therapy.  There are different Dental Post and Core systems available with their...
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Teeth Grinding

Our teeth are only supposed to touch during chewing and swallowing to ensure optimum dental and joint health. For many people (20 - 40%) their teeth are touching more frequently and lead to a condition called bruxism (Greek 'bryx' meaning gnashing of teeth) or teeth grinding.Teeth...
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Gum Disease Treatment

Periodontitis or gum disease is a very serious dental disease. Very few people are educated about this disease.  Gum disease is the GREATEST cause of tooth loss in adults! According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 10 - 15% of the world...
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Online Smile Consultation

Want to find out what options are available to restore your smile? We know you don't mind making a consultation to see the dentist, but also wish there were a way of knowing upfront the solutions to restore or change your smile. The colour, shape, length and alignment of your teeth can all be...
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Newsletter Program

Welcome to our Newsletter service! This is our attempt to communicate with you frequently to bring you up to date info on the latest news from our offices and in the world of dentistry. You'll be the first to know about our latest specials, new services and general juicy dental bites! You...
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