Sports Drinks can harm your teeth

Posted in Dentist Cape Town / Diet and Health

Sports Drinks can harm your teeth

While sipping on sports drinks all day may provide an energy boost, this popular practice is also exposing people to levels of acid that can cause tooth erosion and hypersensitivity. ( See pic 0040 in our photo gallery for a true life example.)

In a recent study, it was found that prolonged consumption of sports drinks caused erosive tooth wear, in which acids eat away the tooth’s smooth hard enamel coating and trickle into the bonelike material underneath, causing the tooth to soften and weaken. The condition affects about an alarming number on South Africans causing severe tooth damage and even tooth loss if left untreated.

It is the citric acid in sports drinks that causes the wear. Brushing teeth immediately after consuming a sports drink can compound the problem of tooth erosion, because softened enamel is very susceptible to the abrasive properties of toothpaste and stiff toothbrush bristles.

To prevent tooth erosion, consume sports drinks in moderation, rinse with water and wait at least 30 minutes before brushing your teeth, to allow softened enamel to re-harden. Toothpastes such as Clinpro & Pronamel, and creams like Tooth Mousse / Pro can neutralise acids and help re-harden soft enamel.

Things to know:
– People who drink more than 3 sugary carbonated drinks/day have 62% more dental decay, fillings and tooth loss
– Enamel begins to demineralise at a threshold pH of 5.5 and exposed root surface at pH 6.5
– A 560g Mountain Dew has 19 teaspoons of sugar and more than 93mg of caffeine
– Recent studies have shown that energy sports drinks can be even more damaging that cola drinks due to the organic acids
Some bottled water and and flavoured water drinks are also highly acidic!
– Do NOT brush your teeth with mineral water when travelling in countries without potable drinking water!!

Product Acid pH (low=bad) Sugar (per 340g)
Pure water 7.00 Neutral 0
Diet Coke 3.39 0
Mountain Dew 3.22 11 tsp
Gatorade 2.95 3.3 tsp
Coke 2.63 9.3 tsp
Pepsi 2.49 9.8 tsp
