Take Years Off!!! This is how

Take Years Off!!! This is how

Crown your day and rejuvenate your smile!

Make no mistake – crowns do rejuvenate smiles. Although the primary purpose of a dental crown is to protect and strengthen teeth, you’ll love your improved great look too!


Crowns are an attractive, time-tested option for teeth that have been severely damaged or weakened by trauma, root canal treatment or too many fillings. They can also support bridges that fill gaps and be attached to dental implants to re-build and enhance your smile.


Today’s cosmetic crowns are the answer to those blue gum line marks that are so often visible. These were often caused by the metal in traditional crowns that gets put on front teeth. Today, replacing unwanted crowns is a sure fine way to take years off your appearance.


Types of Crowns:

1) All Metal

Benefits: Often made of gold (which is strong and long-lasting and will not wear down opposing teeth), they are also made of less expensive metals or a mix of gold and alloy.


2) Porcelain Fused to Metal

Benefits: Porcelain creates a more natural look than all-metal crowns and though the metal limits translucency, it adds strength, which is particularly useful at the back of the mouth.


3) All ceramic/All Porcelain/Cosmetic

Benefits: Translucent porcelain with opalescence looks the closest to natural teeth enamel, will not wear down opposing teeth, and there are no tell-tale dark metal margins at the gum line as sometimes occurs with porcelain fused to metal. These crowns are strong, long-lasting, and youthful looking.

A picture says it all – Before & After Photos

There’s no better way to tell someone what and how a procedure looks like, than showing them some pictures of real life cases.


