Tired of your patched front teeth?

Tired of your patched front teeth?

Many people today have discoloured and stained patches on their front teeth.
Many times these yellow teeth are in fact old resin fillings that stained over time to create a real yellow and worn down smile.
Our patient today broke his front tooth while eating and wish to have the filling replaced. The loose old defective filling was removed and the existing tooth cleaned of all residue.
New resin(whiter than existing teeth) was used to repair this tooth.

The problem:
This is not a long term solution as the tooth is still heavily filled and staining will occur again and real soon. Factors such as SMOKING, TEA, COFFEE and RED WINE will soon stained this new white tooth to look the same as the surrounding teeth.

The solution:
Porcelain in the form of VENEERS or CROWNS are the only way in this caseto create a beautiful white smile that will stay bright and white no matter what!
Teeth whitening was not an option in this case.
Why? Only pure natural tooth structure will whiten and NOT fillings or any dental work.

For more info on BONDING and VENEERS, click the appropiate word.
Have fun smiling!
