What do you really know about your oral health…

Posted in Dentist Cape Town / Dental IQ

What do you really know about your oral health…

Regular Dental Visits and a scrupulous home hygiene program can keep your breath fresh and your smile sweet. How's your D.I.Q? (Dental Intelligence Quotient). Take a Quiz and find out…

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1) Chewing sugar free gum can help against tooth decay due to:

a) Increase in saliva production that neutralizes the acid attack on teeth.

b) The gum kills off harmful tooth bacteria

c) Side to side movement of the jaw ?decreases the bacterial count

d) all of the above


2) The following risk factors can lead to an increase in gum disease:

a) Smoking

b) Teeth Grinding

c) Aging

d) Crowding of teeth

e) all of the above




3) Dentists can easily treat the following problem:

a) Stained teeth

b) Bad breath

c) Snoring

d) Teeth Grinding

e) all of the above


4) The fastest way to stop a throbbing tooth ache is:

a) Drink cold water

b) Drink hot coffee

c) Bite on a clove

d) Drink a glass of milk


Please visit us at www.myteeth.co.za for more info and answers to any of your questions!
