My Front Teeth Are All The Same Length

Contrary to what many people think our front teeth must not all be the same length. The front 2 central incisors must always be a fraction longer than the laterals. Often by just lenghtening the 2 frontal incisors slightly can add years back to your smile. As we age our front teeth wear down and give a 'straight-line' appearance. In some instances this wear can be so excessive that a negative smile develops which means that the smile line is now a reverse smile curve. The teeth often look short and with the upper lip that lengthens(sagging skin) due to ageing, less teeth will show during a smile.
Cosmetic dentistry can help to restore the shape and length of your teeth. Even if you have a near perfect smile, but 1 tooth is slightly chipped or uneven, that can be enough to let you go through life with a tight-lipped smile.
A) Treatment:
First we will look at the 9 different treatment options we use in Cosmetic Dentistry, and decide when and what options to apply. Our main goal is to be conservative and minimally invasive. A good teeth cleaning and then possible teeth whitening will be the start before trying to match any possible bonding or veneer work.
Treatment options for teeth that appear to be of the same length:
(From least invasive to most. Sometimes a combination is necessary.)
The patient opted for some teeth whitening and dental crowns to reshape the 6 front teeth. The patient also needed a night guard to protect her teeth during sleep from chipping and further grinding.