My Teeth Are Too Yellow

Are you happy with the colour of your teeth? Have years of smoking, coffee, tea... stained your once younger looking smile? Are you TIRED of having yellow teeth and feels FRUSTRATED every time you open your mouth? Time and time again we see it is a new whiter and brighter smile that bring about the most dramatic change! With advances in Cosmetic Dentistry we can now easily change the colour of our teeth to make our teeth whiter and look more youthful.
Cosmetic dentistry can help to restore the shape and length of your smile. Even if you have a near perfect smile, but your teeth are too yellow, that can be enough to let you go through life with a tight-lipped smile.


A) Treatment:
First we will look at the 9 different treatment options  we use in Cosmetic Dentistry, and decide when and what options to apply. Our main goal is to be conservative and minimally invasive. A good teeth cleaning and then to look at all the possible teeth whitening options will be the start before trying to match any possible bonding or veneer work.
Treatment options for teeth that are too yellow:



The sequence of treatment will be to start with teeth whitening first. If the desired result is reached then no further treatment will be necessary.  If teeth whitening does not provide the desired result then we have to look at the other options. This means that we will look at placing some material over the front of the tooth by doing veneers or crowns.




Self Analysis test - Do this test to see if you might be a good candidate.