Unsightly and Defective Metal Fillings

In a full smile when your back teeth normally show are your teeth free from stains / discolourations and unsightly metal restorations? Amalgam(metal) restorations used to be the standard many years ago to fill our teeth, but today due to health risks and better white alternatives we stay clear from them. Our teeth are the first thing people usually notice about ourselves and often dark fillings reveal our whole dental history to others. These metal or amalgam fillings also make our teeth look grey and also can give a blue-ish appearance. Cosmetic dentistry can help to restore the colour of your dark front tooth.


A) Treatment:
First we will look at the 9 different treatment options  we use in Cosmetic Dentistry, and decide when and what options to apply. Our main goal is to be conservative and minimally invasive. A good teeth cleaning and then possible general teeth whitening will be the start before trying to match any possible bonding or veneer work to mask or hide the dark colour.
Treatment options to replace these fillings are:
(Sometimes a combination is necessary.



If the nerve is 'dead' and a possible infection is present root treatment needs to be done first to remove all possible infection. This will also ensure that we can now proceed with the next step to do internal teeth whitening (walking bleach) to whiten this tooth from the inside out. Another option is to layer material over the tooth to mask the dark colour. (veneers or crowns)

B) Our unique case:


Cerec Fillings Cape TownCerec Fillings Cape Town





















The patient opted for some cerec fillings and cerec crowns to replace the unsightly amalgam fillings. This was all done in 1 session.  She also needed a night guard to protect her teeth during sleep from wear and chipping.

***To learn more about cerec, please see a typical cerec appointment here.




Cerec Fillings Cape Town