Dental Exam & Cavity Check

Most people need to see the dentist every 6 months to ensure optimum dental health. 6 Months is enough time for most of us to develop tooth decay (caries) and treatment start with diagnosing these lesions.
What Happens At The Dental Exam?
- Greetings and Medical/Dental History
After meeting you we take a detailed medical and dental history to help us diagnosing and preventing problems.
Smoking, teeth grinding, bad habits and allergies are some of the important things that can play a big role in compromising your dental health. - Main Complaint
We will do everything possible to help you with your main complaint during this first appointment, but often time does not allow for permanent solutions. - X-rays
Digital xrays and scans reveal any underlying problems. - Cavity Check
After xray check we also make use of clinical visible findings and high magnification to identify possible tooth decay(caries). - Gums, Gingivitis and Breath Analysis
Bleeding gums, bad breath and receding gums are all simptoms we can help you with and our oral hygienists will stand by to assist. - Cosmetic / Aesthetic Screening
Many changes continually take place to our teeth and smiles due to an every day life of eating, chewing and grinding resulting in an ever increasing 'worn down' look. Constant chipping, crowding, yellowing of teeth, tooth loss, increased tooth sensitivity, gum infection, changes in soft tissues (longer upper lip cause less teeth to show) and many more are only some of these changes. Cosmetic Dentistry can provide many solutions to these problems and thus reversing the effects of aging. Please see our Smile analysis and Smile Consultation for more info.
Also see Cosmetic Dentistry Cape Town