Unlimited Whitening!

This is 'custom tray whitening' on steroids! Are you looking for pay once and never again teeth whitening solution? Are you tired of whitening methods that don't provide lasting results? Do you want to have a sparkling, dazzling and white smile FOR LIFE? Finally, we have listened and brought you the option to have a white smile for life by rewarding you with an unlimited supply of whitening...
How Does It Work?
Unlimited Whitening is a dentist reward system that REWARDS you for looking after your teeth by providing you with complimentary teeth whitening for life!
How To Qualify:
(1) Routine Dental Check up plus
(2) Oral Hygiene Cleaning
... you are doing this anyway, right? If not, start now and we will reward you for looking after your dental health by giving you an unlimited supply of teeth whitening.
What Will You Get?
* Professional custom tray whitening! (option A) (Value 2025: R3500)
* A FREE whitening syringe every 6 months for life when visiting the oral hygienist
(Value: Priceless!)
Requirements to stay on the system?
Just visit the Oral Hygienist every 6 months for cleaning to ensure healthy teeth*
*Your yearly requirements to stay on the system and get your FREE Whitening syringe
Why Do We Offer This?
We believe that by rewarding you for looking after your teeth is a sure system to successful dental

R2640! no other costs
CONTACT US today! (for a dental check, cleaning and your unlimited whitening)