Cape Town Dentist's Blog

ZOOM! Teeth Whitening

Zoom teeth whitening is the fastest way to get to a new white smile! Millions of people world wide are having their teeth whitened and ZOOM! offers a fast and reliable way to a new smile. Our smiles are the first thing people notice about us when meeting us for the first time. A bad looking...


Posted in Dentist Cape Town / Dental Veneers

I will give you an estimate, but would first like to explain some options. �Veneers' is a term that is widely use to describe a full coverage front surface of a tooth with some form of dental material. This material can be resin or ceramic. In ceramic there are also a number of types of...

CEREC VENEERS (via mobile)

CEREC VENEERS (via mobile)

Posted in Dentist Cape Town / Live from the office

Click the photosto enlarge Cerec veneers were done on the front 4 teeth to change our patient’s smile! With CEREC it is now possible to do veneers or crowns in just 1 visit. To learn more about cerec, follow this link. With these veneers we achieved the following: 1. close the gaps 2....

Implant or Bridge?

Implant or Bridge?

Posted in Dental Implants / Dentist Cape Town

This is a very popular question, but more specific information about the situation is needed.   Let’s first make sure we all know what these 2 options are: 1. a dental bridge 2. a dental implant   To make things simple, let’s look at a case where only 1 tooth is missing with teeth...


Posted in Dentist Cape Town / Gum Disease

My dentist saysI have gum disease. Should this concern me? Gum disease is a serious and real thread to society today and is the biggest cause for tooth loss in adults world wide. All my patients get a complete report on the health of their teeth and gumsat their 6 monthly visits. Gum disease...

The Video: Computerized Crowns/Fillings

AMAZING NEW TECHNOLOGY! Crowns and ceramic Fillings can now be done in just 1 visit. With the latest software updates this technology creates the most beautiful dentistry you have ever seen all in just 1 visit. * only 1 visit needed for crowns and ceramic fillings * No gaggy impressions *...

Whoopi Goldberg on Gum Disease

Posted in Dentist Cape Town

My dentist saysI have gum disease. Should this concern me? Gum disease is a serious and real thread to society today and is the biggest cause for tooth loss in adults world wide. All my patients get a complete report on the health of their teeth and gumsat their 6 monthly visits. Gum disease...

No Metal Please!

No Metal Please!

For many people today white fillings and whiter teeth are what they expect when going to the dentist. Many of us also still have 1 or 2 big metal fillings that was placed many years ago and for some even dates back to primary school dentistry. Why don’t dentists like doing these...

Finally, the ideal Dental Filling!

Finally, the ideal Dental Filling!

First, it was Amalgam. Yes, that is right! The old silver metal filling many of us still have in our mouths and that many dentists are still placing today. Then came gold and finally a new era of … WHITE FILLINGS! ‘White’ was always going to be the obvious colour for the ideal filling, but...

Extreme Make-over’s Dr Bill Dorfman

Extreme Make-over’s Dr Bill Dorfman

Posted in Dentist Cape Town / Cosmetic Dentistry

Wow! What an awesome weekend. I had the privilage of meeting Dr Bill Dorfman of Extreme Make-over this weekend. I attended a course on cosmetic dentistry which was held by Dr Dorfman. It is great to know that dentistry in South Africa compares well with our American colleagues. Dr Dorfman is...

Which crown should you choose?

Which crown should you choose?

Dental crowns are dental restorations otherwise known as “caps” that fit over the visible tooth structure.   Dental Crowns are amazing in that they have many uses and benefits to us. Dental Crowns can: *change the colour of a tooth *restore a broken down tooth *alter the shape of...